Kitchenware: Most useful & longest-lasting

We’ve went through quite a number of cookware and kitchen items over the years and we hope our recommendations will save another person the trouble of trial & error, as well as reduce the waste we all create in our homes.

Truth be told, there are more poorly created kitchenware than great ones out there because the average consumer (including us, at times) buy into silly marketing jargons. We’re sick of throwing out our nonstick pans every 6 months!

Professional chefs have gotten it right all along - stainless steel, stainless steel and stainless steel!

  1. Cookware

Stainless steel 18/10

The one we use for breakfast, lunch and dinner! It’s a breath of fresh air cooking and cleaning this because it can take a beating.

Space-saving stainless steel pot set

We love all the cookware that come in this set. There is a nonstick pan included but we don’t use it often.

Unfortunately, there is a learning curve to using full stainless steel pans. Most households go with nonstick pans since there is no learning curve, but be wary that some nonstick pans can be harmful to your health.

There are plenty of tutorials out there about using stainless steel pans, it’s how we learnt how to use ours as well. The benefits far outweigh the temporary inconvenience of food sticking to the pan in our initial cooks!

Both of the above will fully equip your kitchen for cooking anything, except maybe making a pizza.

2. Knife

Santoku knife (13cm)

Just the right weight for any kind of knife work in the kitchen. It dries easily, unlike wooden handle knives. It remains so sharp too!

Some wooden handles tend to degrade overtime, especially after repeated usage and washing. We try not to include any kitchenware that can increase the chance of mould growth in our home. Stainless steel knives can be washed & dried in the dishwasher: hassle-free.


3. Salad Spinner

Now, this is more of a personal recommendation because we haven’t seen this being talked about at all:

Salad spinner is hack!

It’s actually a colander, mixing bowl, salad leaves dryer & serving bowl all in one! All of these things take up a ton of space in the kitchen but now you can have them in just one purchase and spot in the cupboard.

I feel some homes wouldn’t think that buying a salad spinner is a need. But trust me, even if you don’t eat or serve salads to your guests, every kitchen needs a colander and large mixing bowl. Having it together with an ultra-reliable salad spinner is just extra assurance that your new kitchen is well-equipped for everything.

Again, we love that this salad spinner is a stainless steel bowl with rubber base (no sliding on the countertops!). We haven’t seen another salad spinner that works better. You don’t need to manually spin it either, just push the top button and it spins for daysss. There is a stop button too. Amazing!


We’re aware these recommendations are not the most affordable, but this saying is pretty accurate for kitchen items: Buy it nice, or buy it twice (or thrice and not anymore I hope)


How to make a Stainless Steel Pan NONSTICK


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