Condiments 101

Welcome to your little guide on what to stock your kitchen so cooking at home is more fun and less overwhelming. We’ve been there - thinking about “What to cook?” when it feels like its the same ol’ options at the supermarket after a long day of work. I mean we all have those days, but with this repertoire of condiments & suggestions, hopefully cooking at home will be more interesting!

Not all condiments are made the same, we’ve tried several and these are our best recommendations & tips:

Asian cooking

Western cooking

  • Extra virgin olive oil

  • Black pepper - Getting whole peppercorns with a grinder is best

  • Garlic/onion powder/dried herbs/spices - we like choosing organic if possible and make sure the brand doesn’t add in anything extra except for the ingredient we’re buying

  • Vinegar

    • White wine vinegar (more versatile, use in salads or to add an acidic flavour to your sauces)

    • Balsamic vinegar (don’t really have a recommendation for this, we’re not knowledgeable about it haha)


Kitchenware: Most useful & longest-lasting