Condiments 101
Welcome to your little guide on what to stock your kitchen so cooking at home is more fun and less overwhelming. We’ve been there - thinking about “What to cook?” when it feels like its the same ol’ options at the supermarket after a long day of work. I mean we all have those days, but with this repertoire of condiments & suggestions, hopefully cooking at home will be more interesting!
Not all condiments are made the same, we’ve tried several and these are our best recommendations & tips:
Asian cooking
Light soy sauce
low sodium, 0 preservatives & additives option (child-friendly)
first draw soy sauce (gives a deeper flavour, but contains additives)
Oyster sauce (no good options in our supermarket without colourings or fake/low oyster extracts)
this option is expensive, but the real deal
White pepper - no particular brand, just get any at the supermarket!
Western cooking
Extra virgin olive oil
another option (also single origin, but we haven’t tried)
Black pepper - Getting whole peppercorns with a grinder is best
more affordable to get at Foodie Market Place
Garlic/onion powder/dried herbs/spices - we like choosing organic if possible and make sure the brand doesn’t add in anything extra except for the ingredient we’re buying
White wine vinegar (more versatile, use in salads or to add an acidic flavour to your sauces)
Balsamic vinegar (don’t really have a recommendation for this, we’re not knowledgeable about it haha)